Groups and Societies

Society of Saint Vincent De Paul

Society of St. Vincent De Paul (SVDP) is a worldwide Catholic charitable organisation founded by Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, run by the laity. Its aim is to help people in need on a person-to-person basis. That is, visiting distressed people in their homes, taking Holy Communion to the sick and infirm in care-homes, nursing homes, and housebound.  Sometimes money or other material gifts such as clothing, food, fuel, furniture, or electrical items are given to the person or household in need. They try to adhere to the mandate of Christ who says: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me…for I was sick, you cared for me. Matthew 25:36-46.”

Some of our elderly parishioners are yet to return to mass since after covid lockdown and sadly enough, they are not visited. In most parishes, the above society carries out this apostolate. So, the group will help the priest to do this. Are you interested to join in this apostolate? Please contact the office.

Parish Choir Association
The newly formed choir have their singing practice every Wednesday in the presbytery by 18:00. Come and join your voice to sing praises to the Lord. Saint Augustine once said “Bis orat qui bene cantat he/she who sings well, prays twice.” You might also want to come and see how we sing.

We urgently need more musicians, whether guitarists or pianists/organists, either to join music group or take a turn in the rota (organist/pianist. Again, the number of hymns we sing at 10:30 mass is so limited. That is why the choir gather to learn more hymns and rehearse hymns for the following Sunday.

St Ninians Youth Parents’ Group
We have parish youth Mass every 4th Sunday of the month. They young adult meet on Saturday at 19:00-20:00 for practice. The aim is to help our young adults and kids to enrich their faith through the active participation at the mass. Some of your kids are in altar service, doing Mass readings. The group is open to all Post-Communion children.

Inverness Catenians now meet on the second Thursday of each month in the Craigmonie Hotel at 19:00.

Parish Cycle Project trip to Highland Cycle Ability Centre